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Help Support CRONA J.

Creating a comic is a lot of work...

It takes an average of 800 hours to draw just one chapter of Whispers of the Past.


Between family and working another job, finding time and energy for a webcomic oftentimes means neglecting my sleep (and sanity). I wish it wasn't so, but unfortunately, this means I have to take longer to finish pages of Whispers of the Past. Although this project is my pride and joy, health takes precedence over a consistent update schedule.


But there are ways you can show your love and support for this project!

How you can help...

Buy me a Ko-fi or donate through my PayPal

Support the creation of Whispers of the Past with a one time donation. You can donate through Ko-fi, or you can send money directly to my PayPal.

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Pledge to my Patreon

If you are a devoted fan, consider pledging a monthly subscription to my Patreon. You can get rewards for your continued support, including early Whispers of the Past pages!

Buy Whispers of the Past Merchandise

If you'd rather have something tangible in your hand, you can purchase Whispers of the Past merch through my Society6 online store. And you can show off your Whispers of the Past love by wearing exclusive t-shirts, while knowing that your money goes toward helping me create!

"But what if I don't have money?"

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Support Whispers of the Past by introducing it to some of your friends! You can also share the comic from Webtoon or Tapas.

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